Online BDSM community network for edgeplay, CNC kink

CNC Millocracy is a network of communities with a mission statement of creating safer spaces online to explore and learn about kink and consensual non-consent. We believe that play is an essential part of exploration and growth.

Often times, kink and BDSM communities around the world consider “edgeplay” kinks too difficult to talk about with newbies. Even within in-person communities, resources and spaces to learn and explore edgeplay are limited. Online, spaces for edgeplay and CNC kink are usually not approached with the care they require. CNC Millocracy seeks to change that and create spaces to learn about Consensual Non-Consent and other edgeplay kinks. Our mission–safer spaces to play, learn, and explore, to support better kink online, and offline in your local scene!

We are passionate about our goals of harm prevention, harm reduction, and safer spaces online and offline. We are devoted to sharing resources and facilitating discussions for safety and education. We accept consent reports with a focus on believing and listening to reporters and prioritizing impact over intent in service of harm reduction. We have no tolerance for transphobia, racism, and other forms of hate.

We’re a trans-owned, LGBTQ+ positive and supportive community.

CNC Millocracy Logo

Okay, so why is it called CNC Millocracy?

When our community was just starting, a great debate broke-out of the most important, super serious sort between two founding members–waterwheels versus windmills. They brought this debate to the community and sides were taken! Along the way of that debate, computerized numerical control mills were mentioned in a voice chat. Also called CNC mills (get it? Consensual non-consent CNC?), they cut and process subs materials (metal, wood, plastic, ceramic, etc) into different shapes to be exactly what the dom mill programmer desires it to be. And then, a millocracy is an archaic word for a system of government where the people who own the mills are in control–and sounds cool!

What is Consensual Non-Consent?

Consensual Non-Consent is activities or dynamics that may compromise usual, proper consent and ongoing affirmative consent is less direct. It’s still ongoing enthusiastically consensual. For an overview and guide on Consensual Non-Consent, Sera Deep, the founder of CNC Millocracy, created this guide:

Our network is titled around CNC because it is an umbrella term for many edgeplay activities we seek to create better spaces for online. We are not exclusive to spaces that consider themselves to be CNC–any community interested in joining our network may contact us here: Join the CNC Millocracy Network

How and Why CNC Millocracy Started – Our Story

A personal note from CNC Millocracy founder, Sera Deep:

Over a year ago, we started a server.

Many of you may know that I am leadership in a very progressive in-person local kink group. My goal with CNC Millocracy was to take those values online to an area of edgeplay kink that typically is not approached with the care I feel it should be, and see if we can build better. We did, and I have every member of our community to thank! Thus, in interest of both providing spaces beyond our server should something ever happen to Discord, and in continuing to create and bolster values aligned community spaces online, CNC Millocracy is expanding into a “network.” We’ve always connected with other ethically run spaces. We’re going to see what we can do to continue that, and ensure that our mission can be larger than just Discord. Basically, I’ve always thought of this space as similar to a local BDSM group or munch, but online. We want to maintain that community, and connect with others.

Learn more about CNC Millocracy: