Help do your part to create safer spaces online by following the Consent Policy below when participating in our spaces, or in any other online kink communities!

Our Membership Consent Policy:

  1. When interacting with someone online, verify their age.
  2. Be respectful.
    • Do not tolerate or endorse transphobia, racism, homophobia, sexism, classism, ablism, and other forms of hate. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary identities are valid. Black lives matter. Sex work is real work. Trans rights are human rights. If any of those statements just upset you, you should probably find a different community.
    • We also understand that many may use kink to reclaim social hurts or traumas, but we uphold that non-consensual, non-negotiated expressions of that manner are not acceptable.
  3. Play and interact with affirmative consent.
    • Our communities include Consensual Non-Consent–activities or dynamics that may compromise usual, proper consent and ongoing affirmative consent is less direct. Non-consensual actions are unwelcome. No means no. Maybe means no. Yes means yes.
    • Our communities ban non-consensual behavior. We will not harbor predators or abusers.
  4. Respect safewords and negotiation.
    • All BDSM, including CNC, is about consensual, mutually satisfying dynamics and play. Consent can always be withdrawn. Check-in as you play, and negotiate and discuss the scope of a dynamic or scene before you engage. Recognize that people always have the right to tell you “no,” be they submissives or dominants.
  5. Help create a culture of care.
    • CNC Millocracy networked spaces openly welcome and listen to reports. If you think someone is doing something dangerous, or have any concerns about someone’s behavior within or outside of our network, tell a moderator of the community; we’d always rather get a report than not, even if you think it’s “small!”
    • Additionally, while moderators cannot prevent it and you should be very careful about what you share online, help do your part to build safer spaces by not downloading or reposting pictures or videos that are shared and not recording voice or video chats, without explicit consent from everyone involved.
  6. There is risk inherent in all kink.
    • We expect each person to mitigate issues that may compromise consent. When things “go wrong” in BDSM, there usually was no malicious intent, but there can be harm. Acknowledging this inherent risk is not an excuse to blame someone that is harmed or say they “should’ve known better.” Be prepared to accept consequences, and to offer support if things go wrong.
    • Our communities are not liable for your behavior. However, a moderator or other community helper may step in if they notice behavior that seems unsafe. They may either ask you to disengage with the other user(s) or continue in a different manner. If you want to try something new, ask someone to teach you or assist you. We are not responsible nor aware of things that happen in Direct Messages or off-platform chat services, but let us know if someone is behaving in a way that you believe is unsafe or violates consent.
  7. Post content with consent.
    • Only post pictures of yourself, unless you have explicit affirmative consent from the person whose content you are posting. Tell people when you’ve consensually posted content that may include them, and when possible mention/ping them so that moderation in the space can be better aware that this has been done consensually.
    • CNC Millocracy networked spaces will do our utmost to honor requests to remove content from the person(s) in pictures, videos, or other content.
  8. Consent is not transitive.
    • That means you cannot consent on behalf of another person, and no one else can consent on behalf of you. Members who attempt to violate the consent of any other person, such as sharing photos without that person’s knowledge or consent or attempting to arrange interactions with someone who does not consent will be removed from our communities. If we can’t tell if something is consensual, we will assume it is not.
  9. Do not involve strangers in your kink.
    • Even if you think public play is hot (many of us do, too!) you must take appropriate steps to ensure uninvolved bystanders are not exposed to your kink.

Our Communities and leadership, in addition to following the above Consent Policy, uphold this Code of Conduct:

  1. The tools available to moderate and restrict by age may vary by platform, but all CNC Millocracy networked spaces must do what they can to ensure only people 18+ participate.
  2. Prioritize harm reduction and prevention to help create safer spaces.
    • When harm occurs, weigh the impact of actions over bad or good intentions. Openly accept consent reports of things that happen within or outside of your community. Do not tolerate bigotry or misinformation by membership in or outside of your community.
  3. Be active and moderate the space.
    • Our community leaders believe that the best way to maintain safe, consensual spaces is through active, responsive, empathetic, consent-focused moderation. Unmoderated and undermoderated communities are not eligible to join our network. Moderated spaces that become unmoderated or undermoderated will be removed from our network, as will spaces that do not align with our values.
  4. Strive to create cultures of care by accepting reports.
    • CNC Millocracy networked spaces openly welcome and listen to reports, be it a small or large issue. We’d always rather get a report than not, because the best time for harm reduction is before a serious problem happens. Listening and believing reports is the safest approach for our communities.
    • Be empathetic in reports, and ask what they feel they need for safety to be restored. Act doing what’s best for the reporter and the safety of the community. That doesn’t necessarily mean always doing as the reporter requests absent of any other context, but the guidance from the reporter should be weighted heavily.
  5. Content is consensual.
    • CNC Millocracy networked spaces will do our utmost to honor requests to remove content from the person(s) in pictures, videos, or other content.
    • If you see something concerning or dangerous, step-in and act to mitigate harm. That may mean telling members to disengage, or offering resources and advice.
  6. Sex work is real work, but we must follow the rules of our platforms.
    • This means we cannot allow our spaces to be used to arrange paid sexual interactions between consenting adults. We’re sorry, we didn’t make this rule.
  7. Moderator responsibilities are never to be part of kink and play.
    • Some communities may be based on protocol or ongoing roleplays, but within moderation tickets, consent reports, and other support, prioritize moderation not play.
    • Moderators likely are, and probably should be, fans of the kinks in their community and partake in them as well. But, take steps to ensure that the line between play and the safety of the space is clear and protected.