BDSM Protocol Flagging Roles

We have opt-in roles on the CNC Millocracy server for a more protocol-like experience.
  • If you’re okay with people giving you tasks or picture requests while you are chatting in the kinky-general chat, VCs, or elsewhere on the server, you can the @Flagging: Give me Tasks! role to let people know they can approach you in this way.
  • Take the @Flagging: Verbal Play OK! role if you enjoy verbal play to flag that you’re okay being approached like that.
  • Take the @Flag: OK to Ask my Honorifics role to flag that you are OK having people ask if there’s an honorific (Sir, Miss, etc.) they may use to address you.

Affirmative consent is important in BDSM. (No means No. Maybe means No. Yes means Yes.) These roles act as a form of affirmative consent to be approached in these ways.

To subs and switches opting-in to these roles:

  • You don’t have to do any task you don’t want to do–the task role “flags” yourself as someone open to being given tasks while chatting on the server. Likewise, you can still tell people you don’t like something they say if you have the verbal play role.
  • Make use of the server stoplight emojis ( ), especially Green, to let mods and people you chat with know that what they say is okay! If you are in a CNC dynamic and you tell your dom ‘no’ or ‘stop’ and don’t want them to, use a Green on their message so mods know consent is not being violated.
  • Doms can’t read minds. It’s likely you may, at some point, be uncomfortable with something said to you or a task given to you if you take the @Flagging: Verbal Play OK! or @Flagging: Give me Tasks! roles. Just tell them to stop or use the stoplight system. If they don’t stop after being told, we have RED in caps as a server safeword and you can report in ✔help-tickets.

To doms and switches interested in playing with people who take these roles:

  • These roles are for on the server only! Don’t DM someone expecting them to perform for you!
  • No still means no. Read people’s limit roles on their profiles–even if something isn’t a limit or you saw another dom saying similar to them, if they tell you to stop, you must stop.
  • If someone doesn’t have one of these roles, ask before tasking or verbal play.
  • It’s recommended to keep verbal play relatively light until you get to know someone better and learn what they are comfortable with. If you aren’t sure, ask!
  • As you get to know someone, try asking for a ‘color check’ to know if they’re okay with what you said, so they can respond with a color. ( )

Read Community Culture for more notes about play on the server!

Tl;dr, the three roles are:

  • Flagging: Give me Tasks! (Subs, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to–this just lets doms know they can try to give you a task while you’re chatting! Doms, if you’re active and chatting in a public channel, this says it’s okay for you to tell that person in that public chat channel to do something, but they can say no; ask them if it’s OK if unsure.)
  • Flagging: Verbal Play (Based on kink and limit roles: Name calling, humiliation, condescension, etc.) OK! (Doms, stop if you are told to and ALWAYS read people’s limits, paying particular attention to the Degradation Appearance and Intelligence kinks or limits they may have. Ask and check-in as you get to know people. Subs, if you don’t like a word used, you can say so! Discord ToS disallows race play, homophobic slurs, or trans-related slurs to be used on our server.)
  • Flagging: OK to ask me my preferred honorifics! (Do not address people by honorifics without asking. This role may be taken to indicate you’re OK with someone asking you if they can use an honorific towards you.)