Our mission–safer spaces to play, learn, and explore, to support better kink online, and offline in your local scene!

We are passionate about our goals of harm prevention, harm reduction, and safer spaces online and offline. We are devoted to sharing resources and facilitating discussions for safety and education. We accept consent reports with a focus on believing and listening to reporters and prioritizing impact over intent in service of harm reduction. We have no tolerance for transphobia, racism, and other forms of hate.

Communities we create will strive to support these values:

– Play and sex are essential for exploration and expression
– Kink can both be fun, and a motivator for social change
– Trans rights are human rights
– HRT is healthcare
– Trans women are women
– Trans men are men
– Non-binary identities are valid identities
– Black lives matter
– White supremacy is violence
– Queer family, love and life is real, valid and needed
– Sex work is real work
– Believing and having compassion for reporters and survivors better equips us to make our communities safer
– Vaccines, science and safer sex help community safety and public health

Why do you have political statements on a kink resources website?

The above are not political statements, they are community safety and human rights statements.

It is uncontraversally agreed upon that what people say can cause violence and threaten our community safety. Making spaces inclusive of bigotry only makes safer spaces for bigots. Further, especially within BDSM and kink education, we need safety–people can’t learn when feeling unsafe!