Bylaws draft 9/24/23 These bylaws are written for server mods and chat monitors, but available to be read by all.

Role of server mods

Server mod is a rank held by all decision-making members of the team. It is essential that server mods be values aligned. They should embody and agree with the server rules. As this is an LGBTQ+ inclusive space, they should also embody those values to prevent culture from changing into a less accepting environment. Some of our other values statements can be found in rule 2:

(2) Be respectful. We have no tolerance for transphobia, racism, and other forms of hate. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary identities are valid. Black lives matter. Sex work is real work. Trans rights are human rights. If any of those statements just upset you, you should probably find a different server.

If the server mod team requires additional chat moderation support but do not believe there are values aligned, veteran members to call upon, they may instead elect someone into a chat monitor position which is not a voting role. Server mods not interested in leadership may also opt to position themselves as a lower ranked “chat monitor” at any time. It is encouraged, regardless of server mod or chat monitor, that the server mod team still listens to the ideas and thoughts of the community and chat monitors, even if those ideas and thoughts are not acted on.

Role of server admins

There should be at least two admins and no more than 3 at any given time. Admins should not be considered a higher “rank” than server mods as their votes count equally. The admin role is limited, but still required to have more than one, as a balance between ensuring we can get things done should an admin take hiatus and ensuring that the power to cause irreparable harm is not freely given out. As major decisions that must be done by a server admin should be brought to the attention of the entire team for discussion and not made solely by a server admin, not every server mod requires the role. While the role is not a higher rank, it should represent a high level of trust not given as openly to those interested in just moderating the community, as it does allow someone to sabotage the server. Server admins are to be displayed in the sidebar via their server mod rank, and not separately from the rest of the server mod team.


Any member of the server mod team may call for a formal vote. The default requirement for a vote to pass is a 3/5th majority, and votes are to be taken publicly among the server mod team by default. All members of the server mod team must be given time to vote if a formal vote is called. If the matter is not an emergency that does not place the community at risk, this is a maximum voting period of one week, after which the placed votes will be considered and the missing server mods will not be counted as part of calculating a majority. If the matter is an emergency that places the community at risk and reasonable time considering has past, a server admin may call for a 3/5ths majority vote among available server mod team members to end the one week period and count the votes. When electing a server admin, server mod, or chat monitor, a vote is always required. These votes require a 2/3rds majority. To elect a chat monitor, only a 3/5ths majority is required. The one week voting period cannot be expedited by a server admin when electing a server admin, server mod, or chat monitor. Ideally not all discussions should require a formal vote. Small changes and decisions can be done and implemented by admins with discussion with one or two other members of the server mod team. All votes to remove a server mod are taken anonymously by default, unless made public via a 3/5ths majority vote. Server Mods cast a vote and are counted as part of the total number of participants in votes for being given the admin role, or votes involving their own removal. As above, most votes can be done publicly among the server mod team and 3/5ths majority. Any moderator may ask for a vote to be made via 2/3rds or via anonymous vote–The request for making a 3/5ths vote into a 2/3rds vote must itself be ratified by a simple majority vote. Anonymous voting may be proposed with the initial motion for a vote and respected, or ratified by a simple majority vote.

Removing a server mod, server admin, or chat monitor

Reasons to remove a member of the team may include gross negligence of responsibility, severe violation of the server’s rules, or demonstrations of values contrary to the space such as but not limited to bigotry against LGBTQ+ individuals or an explicit display of racism. Removing a server mod, chat monitor, or server admin requires a 3/4ths majority vote, and the one week voting period cannot be expedited by a server admin. The procedure is to establish a method of communication between all other members of the server mod team to discuss. Any member of the server mod team may begin such a communication. A vote should only be called when it’s clear that everything has been discussed as needed. If the 3/4ths majority votes to remove the server mod team member, that result will be given to the server mod in question by a member of the team. They will have a chance at an appeal, which may be conducted in a voice chat or via text, and may call for an additional 3/4ths majority vote on removal after the appeal. If this vote to remove does not pass, they will not be removed from the server mod team. In the event that a server mod “goes rouge” and does something to intentionally sabotage the server (such as deleting roles, channels, important messages, etc) they may be immediately removed by an admin until a vote can be held.

Role of the server owner:

For reasons within discord, the server owner status is required to promote a member to the admin level. The server admins should never display themselves separately in the member sidebar from the rest of the server mod team, nor should the server owner. For a temporary period of one year from public launch, the server owner may choose if they feel vitally necessary to maintain the integrity of the space, veto a vote or the election of a new member of the team. For a temporary period of one year from public launch, the server owner may at their discretion edit or expand upon the bylaws. This may not be done to influence the outcome of a current vote. This is primarily done for the purpose of strengthening language or fixing typos after this period of time, changes must be put to a 3/5ths majority vote. After this period of one year, these powers may be extended only by a 2/3rds majority vote including unanimous agreement from any current server admins. If the server owner falls absent for a period of one month, a 2/3rds majority vote may be held to require the server owner to transfer the “owner” status to a shared account that can be accessed by server admins. The server owner’s other work includes the following: Maintains the embeds for roles, rules, and other text rules postings. Maintains the server bylaws, and is involved in votes to edit them along with the other server mods. Interfaces with marketing such as massing, disboard, networking, ect. Is responsive to do backend things on the server such as emojis, role configuring, ect. Makes a majority of announcements. Attempts to organize a minimum of one digital “munch” each month.

Verification tickets

Server Mods and select Chat Monitors can see and handle age verification tickets. If you ever have doubts on a ticket, ping the Server Staff in chat monitor chat for a second opinion. We are very strict on the rules. We want to see the pictures exactly as described– a close up of the ID, as well as an all-in-one picture with the date + username#1234 and holding the ID. Only give the roles if they follow the rules–part of the point is checking they can properly read and follow rules. After seeing the pictures, type !rand to generate a random number to have them jot down on the paper as well. If particularly suspicious, feel welcome to ask them for a pose with hands/fingers/eyes or holding a number of fingers up. If they are a cross verification or yoti verification, or if you’re suspicious of their vibe and fit for the server for any reason, or if they fail to follow the picture rules, type !vibecheck to paste some rules and culture questions into chat. This is at staff discretion. If they were a mandatory verification (they have prior warnings) or completely ignore verification procedure type !forcedvibecheck which has more stringent questions. When they’re good to go, remove “UNVERIFIED” and add “ID’d.” We have a carlbot command !verify @<username> to do this automatically. If it’s a cross verification, you need to be in the server and take a look at their roles, and then give them “ID’d” plus also “Cross Verified.” Also direct them to get pronoun and DM roles if either is missing. After giving the roles, welcome them to the server and tell them they can delete the pictures or they will be automatically deleted upon closing the ticket, which they can do with the big button at the top unless they’ve got questions for the staff!

Moderation and CNC Millocracy

We act in service of harm reduction, and to uphold the rules here. Server mods are fans of these kinks and partake in them as well. They have taken steps to ensure that the line between their play and the safety of this space is clear and protected. We believe that any concerns about moderation, consent violations, and anything else are valid and will be taken seriously. We operate striving for a safer space moderation style. Creating safer spaces, by definition, means not accommodating everyone and everything. It also means harm reduction is a top priority. If harm reduction needs seem to fall outside of what established rules are, the concern should not be flatly dismissed on that basis alone; this may indicate a problem with the rules that require additions or revisions. Likewise, if someone’s behavior is repeatedly abhorrent, dangerous, rude, offensive, problematic, or uncomfortable to staff or members, a discussion of banning is not unjustified. While we should not abuse power, we also should not ignore harm to members by others or to themselves. Balancing this is a difficult act that we can best achieve by listening to one another as moderators and server staff. While most moderation decisions will (and probably should if rules are well-written) be unanimous, we benefit from conversations that grow out of disagreements should they arise.

Moderation guidelines

To issue moderation actions with the bot, type, for example: /moderation warn @aSpammyNoob Because they spammed a lot You may instead need to utilize the user ID and not the @, so be aware of that! Moderation decisions are ultimately at the discretion of server mods and server monitors. If your actions fall well outside of what the rest of the team sees as acceptable, that may be something you have to answer for with social repercussions or removal. In general, most infractions of the rules can simply be given an informal warning. (Hey, please don’t <insert thing here>). More serious but minor infractions may be dealt a formalized warning through the bot’s /moderation warn command. Very serious infractions, or a significant number of more serious infractions, can result in a shorter or longer bans to act as a suspension. Permanent bans should be used in situations that the member is a detriment to the space and community and has no reasonable way that improving behavior seems possible, if the member is a bot/spam, or if the member is underage. If the ban is based on behavior, the ban should be brought to the mod team for discussion and other penalties such as a mute can be applied until a decision is made. If you are aware that the user is an extreme danger to the community, such as from interacting with them on a different server or an extreme consent violation actively taking place, and a mute until a vote is not appropriate to protect from that danger, a ban or kick may be utilized until a proper discussion can be had. Rule 3 should be enforced, as stated within it, when a warning is given. Generally, providing 24 hours for compliance is sufficient and permanent bans are issued for non-compliance. If the warned individual provides a reason they need more time, we can usually permit that. Chat monitors are unable to directly issue a server ban; the role of a chat monitor is to mitigate problems should a server mod not be there to see it happen (IE, with a mute), and then report it to the server mod team. For this reason, chat monitors may not block server mods.