CNC Millocracy Server Rules

  1. This is a NSFW community. You must be 18+ to be here.
  2. Be respectful. We have no tolerance for transphobia, racism, and other forms of hate. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary identities are valid. Black lives matter. Sex work is real work. Trans rights are human rights. If any of those statements just upset you, you should probably find a different server.
  3. Age verification is needed for full server access. See #verification-and-help-tickets for more info. Mods might ask you to verify if we suspect you are underage, receive a warning, or if you post looking for a dom in lobby general chat. If we mandate you to verify, you will also be asked several questions as a “vibe check” and to ensure you’ve read the rules. (Important Note: We do our best to accurately check IDs. We are not legal professionals or authorities. If you choose to play with someone you meet here, you should verify their age yourself, and if they are not ID’d, also request them to get ID’d by opening a ticket.)
  4. This server uses DMs Open, Ask to DM, and DMs Closed roles; do not DM or friend request users who have the role DMs Closed, and ask in ask-to-dm to DM users.
  5. Play with affirmative consent. No means no. Maybe means no. Yes means yes.
    • Do not engage in verbal roleplay (name calling, honorifics) if it is making the person uncomfortable or you may be warned.
      • This includes selecting pronoun roles or a vanilla name for “gender fetish” reasons–(in interest of being a safer space for trans people, we cannot accommodate “sissy fetish” or “detrans fetish” in server channels, chat, introductions, or ads).
    • While we cannot prevent it and you should be very careful about what you share online, do not download or repost pictures that are shared here without consent from the poster and do not record voice or video chats. Reposting pictures or videos from here is a serious offense that will result in a ban.
  6. Post content with consent. Everyone appearing in pictures in media channels must be age verified members of this server and must consent to being posted. Always ping people if you consensually post them. We will remove pictures and request verification if you post your partner and they are not age verified. Don’t post external account links of sex workers, pornstars, or anyone else, unless they are in the server AND you have their consent to do so.
  7. Be here to participate, not self-promotion. If you’re an involved member of our community, sharing cool stuff you do when appropriate or having it in your server profile is okay; Started a new kinky crowdfund project? Cool, let your friends here know! Have an OnlyFans or Patreon? That’s fine! But if your only purpose for being in this space is to sell paid content, find subs as a paid dom, or to promote a server or website, you may be warned or banned. You are permitted to talk about other servers here. However, users that we find are actively trying to recruit people and active members to come to their server (aka poaching) may be warned.
  8. We encourage play and scenes on the server in channels and VCs! We have a server global safeword of RED all in caps; If called, stop play and check-in. We have Flagging / ‘Free Use’ roles in the #roles channel for ‘Give me tasks!’ and ‘Verbal Play OK!’ If someone doesn’t have these flags, ask before giving them a task or engaging in verbal play. If someone has them, they can still decline a task. All flagging roles, including ‘OK to ask my honorifics’ are intended to be used with someone you’re already talking with; don’t ping someone to engage that way if they aren’t chatting with you. Note: ‘uwu speak,’ ‘little speak,’ ‘constantwy tawking wike dis owo’ and related RP is limited to ⁠text-based-roleplay-scenes and may not be present in ⁠kinky-general or elsewhere.
  9. Your nickname must be pronounceable, include letters, and if it contains any honorifics or self-degradations, it must:
    • Have a second name in (parenthesis), {brackets} or //slashslash that does not OR
    • Must also include a name that would be suitable to refer to a real-life person or fictional character or suitable as a name on the nametag of a house pet.IE you can be named Sir Twiddilylinks, Seven of Nine, shadow, ReptilesAreCute, Jessie, eric the cock lover, Fucktoy (Sarah), Robobot3000 Cumdump, or Spaghetti. You cannot be named Sir Daddy Dom, 7, Master of Fucking, Opb*l5wrasfj, GreatDom, or Sexy Little Cumdump.
      We know you’re here to explore kink, but everyone being able to choose to interact with you without involving your kinks or chosen kink roles is something we consider necessary for a safe community.

Some categories or channels may have additional rules. Read the pinned messages in channels for details.

The CNC Millocracy Moderation Team

We act in service of harm reduction, and to uphold the rules here. Server mods are fans of these kinks and partake in them as well. They have taken steps to ensure that the line between their play and the safety of this space is clear and protected. We believe that any concerns about moderation, consent violations, and anything else are valid and will be taken seriously. This server operates with a code of bylaws for the moderation team. All bans and major decisions are the result of a vote, not a sole dictator’s power. You can read the full bylaws here: Bylaws

Internet Safety and Consent Reports

While we do our best at harm reduction to make this a safer space and enforce the rules, we can’t control everyone’s behavior and actions. Taking steps to be safer online–such as not using usernames shared with social media accounts or that contain your birthday, or not posting pictures of your face publicly or in your profile picture–are important things to consider and choices to make when having risk aware kinky fun online.

We treat reports of consent violation with the respect that they deserve. If you become aware of any consent violations or other unsafe activities, please make a report ticket to our leadership. If you prefer to reach out to a staff member individually for server support, you may send a direct message. Please make it clear in your message that you need server support, especially if the staff member has the Ask to DM/FR role.